Wednesday, September 25, 2019

2013 - Peggy Re-Christening

On a rainy Sat. in Oct., 2013, the 88 year old Peggy of New Point was christened into her new role as a seagoing representative of the maritime heritage of Mathews Co. This new role has her on display at various waterfront festivals throughout the Tidewater, appearing as she did during her days fishing pound nets, the purpose she was built for. Christening festivities and a silent auction were held at Kingston Plantation in North, with a second get-together the following day at Lynne’s Family Restaurant.

Monday, September 16, 2019

2012 - Peggy Endowment Fund

The Peggy Endowment Fund was established in 2012, for the upkeep and maintenance of the Peggy of New Point. 

This same year, her pilot house won a trophy for Best Float by a Non-Commercial Organization in the Mathews Christmas Parade.

2011 - The Albert B. Corey Award

In 2011, MMF received the Albert B. Corey/Leadership in History Award for work on the Mathews Maritime Heritage Trail. The award was presented by the American Assoc. for State and Local History at their annual conference in Richmond, VA. Shown here are Dave Montgomery, Janet Loyd, Dave Machen & Marcy Benouameur.
Also that year, the Maritime Foundation honored master boat builder Edward Diggs. A surprise reception was held for him in the Museum's newly renovated exhibit area, filling it with his boat models.